To wonder at the choices you’ve made…

Do you ever wonder about the choices you’ve made? Not to judge them, condemn them or blame yourself for them but simply allow yourself to wonder about them. Have you ever just stepped out of your judgment and simply wondered at the choices you’ve made? 

Has it ever occurred to you to ask yourself, “I wonder why I chose to do that?” or “I wonder why I chose that path or said those words?” And if you were to allow yourself to simply wonder, how do you think you might feel about your choices?

You could open yourself up to possible reasons for your choices. You could allow the bigger picture of your life patterns to show up in your consciousness; you could begin a dialogue with yourself about all the reasons why you might have made a particular choice. And from there, you could know yourself better than you did before you started wondering. 

From there, you could forgive yourself for choices you feel were wrong and congratulate yourself for the choices you feel were right, From there, you could even get to a place of seeing that there are no right or wrong choices. From there, you could say to yourself, “I made a choice. And in making that choice, I empowered myself. And from that choice, I had an experience, and the experience I had is now a part of my story. And it was neither right nor wrong—it is simply my experience and has thusly become my truth.”  

And then, you could be simply wonderful.